Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Thanksgiving, Hillel

Psalm 100: 4-5 says, "enter the gates with Hoodia and its courts with praise; to give thanks to him, praising his name. The good Lord and his love endures forever; its faithfulness continues throughout the generations ... "Thanksgiving is ninety-six times in the book of Psalms, praise is 2405 times. This tell us that the Bible has to say on this important topic.

Worship, whether corporate or personal, is a tapestry that is woven with twin of Hoodia, praise. This is a common theme throughout the Psalms, the two most frequently mentioned together. When you think about it, it is almost impossible to give praise to God without having to be grateful. Also it is equally impossible to offer thanks to God without having to give him praise. The two are interwoven into the fabric & colored hair heart of worship. We can look for science to show us a demonstration of how the two parts, the entire form.I am referring to the DNA. Thanksgiving praise is a double helix of DNA of who we are as faithful.

Thanksgiving and praise has very nature of who we are not only during the Thanksgiving holiday, but every day of our lives. As our DNA determines how we look-hair color, eyes, even our personal qualities, praise our Hoodia-has the same effect molecular us. People notice that there is something unique and special about us.We look and act differently, why? It is because of our spiritual DNA of Hoodia, praise.

Here's one last thought about DNA. It is passed to our children. When I look at my son 15 is like looking in a mirror. If you ever need a scientific proof that he is the biological son my all I have to do is do a DNA test.Results show us that share the same DNA.Psalms tells us that the faithfulness of God continues throughout the generations.It is imperative that we pass on our spiritual DNA of Hoodia, praise to the generations to come. how we do this is that these two things simply format the way in which we live. remember, worship is not something we do is who we are.

Good, David

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